the rise of christianity

A Sociologist Reconsiders History

Have you ever wondered how Christianity became the world's largest religion? If so, then "The Rise of Christianity' by Rodney Stark is a must-read for you. In this book, Stark explains the historical events and social factors that led to the rapid growth of Christianity in the first few centuries of its existence.


Stark begins by debunking the myth that Christianity was a religion of the poor and oppressed. Instead, he argues that Christianity appealed to people of all social classes and that it spread through a network of interconnected communities rather than through individual conversions.

The Role of Women

One of the most fascinating aspects of 'The Rise of Christianity' is the role of women in the early Christian movement. Stark argues that Christianity offered women a level of equality and respect that was unheard of in the ancient world. Women were active participants in the church, and many held positions of leadership.

The Power of Martyrdom

Another key factor in the rise of Christianity was the willingness of Christians to die for their faith. Stark argues that the persecution of Christians actually helped the movement to grow, as the courage and devotion of martyrs inspired others to convert.

The Impact of Conversion

Stark also explores the social and cultural impact of conversion to Christianity. He argues that Christianity brought about a shift in values that laid the foundation for modern Western society. For example, the Christian emphasis on individual worth and dignity helped to undermine the ancient institution of slavery.

The Modern Context

Stark's book also provides valuable insights into the modern context of Christianity. He argues that the religion's growth has been fueled by a variety of factors, including the rise of global communication and the spread of democracy. He also explores the role of Christianity in contemporary politics, and how it has influenced issues such as abortion, gay rights, and climate change.


Overall, 'The Rise of Christianity' is a fascinating and thought-provoking book that sheds new light on the early Christian movement. Stark's engaging writing style and use of anecdotes and historical facts make this book a pleasure to read. Whether you are a scholar of religious studies or simply curious about the origins of Christianity, this book is sure to captivate and inspire you.